Men walking with a suitcase.

Job Tracker




Job Tracker Application

Technologies Used

  • React (Hooks)
  • Redux
  • Firebase
  • Google API
  • Semantic UI


While applying to jobs I wanted to create a better way of tracking my job application process, and all the information related to it, so I could be more prepared for the interview.

Post it notes falling all over a men and sticked top  a wall with tasks on them.


Build a fullstack CRUD application, where users can keep track of all of their job applications.


- Use google maps API for companies location
- Login system with social login available also
- Add, Edit, Delete job information, and user profile
- Use Lazy Load
- Use firebase for database and firebase cloud functions for user activity updates

Laptop with calendar on it.


Created a simple responsive user friendly application where users can keep track of their job applications. "Application was updated to use React Hooks."

Job tracker application landing page.
Job tracker application login page.
Job tracker application upload user image page.
Job tracker application user detail page.
Job tracker application basic user detail page.
Job tracker application job detail page.


With social logins users are able to create account with one click. With all the job information users are more prepared for the job interview and can nail the job they want.

In Touch